Reviving the Art of Record-Making: Ensuring Timeless Techniques Don't Fade into Obscurity- By Mark Dodson

Reviving the Art of Record-Making: Ensuring Timeless Techniques Don't Fade into Obscurity- By Mark Dodson

I'm so lucky to have witnessed the real magic of so many bands capturing catalytic moments!

I appreciate that there are many ways to skin a cat but if you eradicate the interaction of individuals connecting and thus creating that 'magic' moment you're in danger of missing a trick!!!

I just heard 'I'm Not in Love' 10cc And The Police 'Every breath you Take' So special... Great songs, great vocals and great performances.

So rare... I feel like the true art form is being lost (like a Fairisle jumper).

Making records in this way needs to be passed on and incorporated..before no one knows how to do it anymore...