Plugins To Try: The Oxford Inflator

Plugins To Try: The Oxford Inflator

If you're a mixing or mastering engineer, chances are you've faced the quest for a louder mix or master without sacrificing dynamics and clarity. Enter the Oxford Inflator – a legendary plugin from Sonnox that does the seemingly impossible: it increases perceived loudness without squashing your music's life.

Buy/Trial here: Oxford Inflator Plugin Download/Trial

Download/view manual to deep dive: Sonnox Oxford Inflator User Guide (

What is the Oxford Inflator?

The Oxford Inflator is a unique dynamics processor designed to increase the apparent loudness of your mixes or masters. Unlike traditional limiters, which can crush transients and flatten dynamics, the Inflator works its magic subtly while maintaining the natural feel of your audio. It's a prized tool among top mixing and mastering engineers.

How Does It Work?

The Inflator's secret lies in its unique processing algorithm. Rather than simply clamping down on peaks, it enhances the harmonic content of your audio, boosting the energy within existing peaks. This results in a louder, punchier sound without the noticeable artifacts of heavy-handed compression or limiting.

Key Features

  • Effect Control: The core of the Inflator is its 'Effect' control, which determines the amount of loudness enhancement applied.
  • Curve: The 'Curve' control adjusts the shape of the Inflator's processing, allowing you to tailor it from subtle to aggressive.
  • Input and Output Trim: Proper gain staging is crucial with the Inflator. Use the input trim to ensure a suitable signal level, and the output trim to compensate for any changes in loudness after processing.
  • Band Split (Advanced Feature): For more surgical control, the Inflator provides an advanced 'Band Split' feature, which allows for frequency-specific processing.

Benefits for Audio Engineers

  • Loudness Without Compromise: Achieve mixes and masters that are loud with exceptional dynamics and detail.
  • Increased Punch and Presence: The Inflator adds punch and presence to individual tracks and entire mixes, helping them cut through.
  • Analog-Inspired Character: The Inflator can add a touch of warmth and character, reminiscent of desirable analogue gear.
  • Ease of Use: Despite its powerful algorithm, the Inflator is straightforward to use, perfect for any experience level.

Tips and Tricks for Mixing

  • Drums: Start with a moderate 'Effect' setting (around 50%) and a gentle 'Curve.' Adjust the input as needed to see a few dB of gain increase on the Inflator's meter. Use the output control to bring the level back down.
  • Bass: Aim for a similar approach as drums, focusing on adding fullness and punch. For a more aggressive sound, experiment with higher 'Effect' settings.
  • Vocals: Be subtle with the Inflator on vocals. Try a low 'Effect' setting (around 25%) and a gentle 'Curve' to enhance presence and clarity.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering

  • Mix Bus: Begin with a very conservative 'Effect' setting (around 10-20%) and a soft 'Curve.' Pay attention to the Inflator's gain increase meter, aiming for 1-2 dB of boost. Adjust the output to match the original level.
  • Subtle Enhancements: The Inflator on a master works best in small amounts. Focus on adding a touch of overall loudness and glue.
  • Experiment: The best way to learn the Inflator is to experiment! Try different settings on different source material.

Why Try the Oxford Inflator?

If you want to create mixes and masters that are louder, punchier, and more impactful without sacrificing their integrity, the Oxford Inflator is essential. Its unique approach to increasing loudness has made it a go-to for countless audio professionals.