Big News for Windows Users: Universal Audio’s LUNA Now in Open Beta to Download

Big News for Windows Users: Universal Audio’s LUNA Now in Open Beta to Download

Universal Audio (UA) has made a major move in the world of digital audio workstations (DAWs) by launching an open beta of its acclaimed LUNA recording system for Windows users. Previously exclusive to Mac, this expansion brings UA's renowned analogue emulation and deep hardware integration to a much wider audience. This blog post will explore what LUNA on Windows offers, the benefits of the beta program, and why this is a significant development for audio professionals.

LUNA Arrives on Windows: A New Era for UA

LUNA isn't just another DAW; it's a holistic recording system designed to seamlessly integrate with UA's popular Apollo audio interfaces. With the Windows beta release, PC users can now experience LUNA's unique approach to music production, which combines a streamlined workflow with powerful features and a focus on analogue sound quality.

Key Features of LUNA for Windows (Beta):

  • Accelerated Realtime Monitoring™: Achieve near-zero latency for real-time processing during recording and mixing, essential for a responsive and natural feel.
  • Integrated Multitrack Tape Emulation: Infuse your tracks with the warmth and character of classic analogue tape, without the need for additional plugins.
  • Streamlined Workflow: LUNA's single-window design and intuitive editing tools make it easy to learn and use, even for those new to the platform.
  • ARA Support: Leverage the power of Audio Random Access (ARA) for deep integration with compatible plugins, expanding your creative options.
  • Essential Instruments and Effects: Get started with a collection of included virtual instruments and effects, providing a solid foundation for your music production.
  • Console Emulation: (Upcoming Feature) Recreate the sound of classic analogue mixing consoles with virtual emulations, adding depth and character to your mixes.

Open Beta: Your Chance to Shape LUNA

The open beta phase is a crucial step in UA's development process. By inviting Windows users to test and provide feedback, UA can refine LUNA to ensure it meets the needs and high expectations of us the audio engineers!

Also Jaquire King (Kings of Leon, Tom Waits) loves it.

Here at we love all DAWs but this looks like a brilliant one to try out! Feel free to let us know your experiences!

Download free here:

We've gone one step further and found you all the windows quick commands to get you started/enhance your workflow!


Windows and DisplayToggle Timeline/MixerCtrl=Switches between Timeline and Mixer view
Next WindowCtrl`Cycles to the next window
Previous WindowCtrl+Shift`Cycles to the previous window
Show/Hide Floating WindowsShiftWShows or hides floating windows (e.g., plugin windows)
Close ApplicationCtrlWCloses the current application window
New Alternate WindowShift+Ctrl=Opens a second window for additional view
Toggle Full ScreenCtrl+Shift=Toggles full screen mode
Playback and TimelineToggle PlaybackSpacebarStarts or stops playback
Toggle RecordCtrlSpacebarStarts or stops recording
Loop PlaybackCtrlLToggles loop playback on/off
Return To ZeroReturnMoves the playhead to the start of the timeline
Toggle Pre/Post RollCtrlKToggles pre-roll and post-roll on/off
Toggle MetronomeKToggles the metronome on/off
Toggle Count InShiftKToggles count-in before recording
Create MarkerEnterCreates a new timeline marker at the current position
Zooming and ScrollingAuto ScrollShiftAToggles automatic scrolling during playback
Zoom InCtrl]Zooms in the timeline view
Zoom OutCtrl[Zooms out the timeline view
Frame SelectionECenters and frames the selected track or tracks
Increase Selected Track HeightsCtrlIncreases the height of selected tracks
Decrease Selected Track HeightsCtrlDecreases the height of selected tracks
Decrease All Track HeightsCtrl+AltDecreases the height of all tracks in view
Zoom In Audio WaveformsAlt+Ctrl]Increases the zoom level of audio waveforms
Zoom Out Audio WaveformsAlt+Ctrl[Decreases the zoom level of audio waveforms
Scroll To Left SelectionShiftScrolls to and centers the left edge of the selected region
Scroll To Right SelectionShiftScrolls to and centers the right edge of the selected region
Record / Input / Solo / MuteToggle Record ArmShiftRToggles record arm state for selected tracks
Toggle Input EnableShiftTToggles input monitoring on/off for selected tracks
Toggle SoloShiftSToggles solo state for selected tracks
Toggle MuteShiftMToggles mute state for selected tracks
Editing and FadesClearDeleteDeletes the selected clip or selection
UndoCtrlZUndoes the last action
RedoCtrl+ShiftZRedoes the previously undone action
CutCtrlXCuts the selected region or clip to the clipboard
CopyCtrlCCopies the selected region or clip to the clipboard
PasteCtrlVPastes the clipboard content to the selected position
Duplicate selectionCtrlDCreates a duplicate of the selected region or clip
Mute SelectionCtrlMMutes the selected region or clip
Create FadesCtrlFApplies fade in/out to the selected edges of a c
Editing and Fades (cont'd)Fade To Clip Start (Fade In)DFades in from the start of the selected clip
Fade To Clip Stop (Fade Out)GFades out to the end of the selected clip
Trim From Clip StartATrims the beginning of the clip to the playhead position
Trim From Clip EndSTrims the end of the clip to the playhead position
Trim Clip to SelectionCtrlTTrims the clip to match the selected area
Separate SelectionCtrlESeparates the selected clip at the playhead or selection boundary
Consolidate SelectionAlt+Shift3Merges selected clips into a single clip
Reverse SelectionCtrl+ShiftRReverses the audio within the selected clip
Heal SeparationCtrlHMerges previously separated clips back into one
Export MixdownAlt+CtrlBExports the current mixdown according to the selected settings
Export ClipsCtrl+ShiftKExports the selected clips as individual files
Making SelectionsSelect AllCtrlASelects all clips in the current view
Select All TracksShift+CtrlASelects all tracks in the session
Set Selection StartSets the start point of a selection during playback or while stopped
Set Selection EndSets the end point of a selection during playback
Moving SelectionsMove Selection UpPMoves the current selection up to the next track
Move Selection Down;Moves the current selection down to the previous track
Move Selection to Next Bar]Moves the selection to the next bar
Move Selection to Previous Bar[Moves the selection to the previous bar
Move Selection To Next Clip Edge'Moves the selection to the next clip edge
Move Selection To Previous Clip EdgeLMoves the selection to the previous clip edge
Move Selection To Next TransientAltTabMoves the selection to the next transient in the audio
Move Selection To Previous TransientAltTabMoves the selection to the previous transient in the audio
Move Selection To Next MarkerCtrl+Alt'Moves the selection to the next marker
Move Selection To Previous MarkerCtrl+AltLMoves the selection to the previous marker
Extending SelectionsExtend Selection UpShiftPExtends the current selection upwards to include additional tracks
Extend Selection DownShift;Extends the current selection downwards to include additional tracks
Extend Selection To Next BarShift]Extends the current selection to the next bar
Extend Selection to Previous BarShift[Extends the current selection to the previous bar
Extend Selection To Next Clip EdgeShift'Extends the current selection to the next clip edge
Extend Selection To Previous Clip EdgeShiftLExtends the current selection to the previous clip edge
Extend Selection To Next TransientShiftTabExtends the selection to the next transient
Extend Selection To Previous TransientAlt+ShiftTabExtends the selection to the previous transient
Extend Selection To Session StartShiftReturnExtends the selection to the start of the session
Extend Selection To Session EndAlt+ShiftReturnExtends the selection to the end of the session
Nudge EditingNudge Left,Nudges the selected clip or event to the left
Nudge Left Next AmountMNudges the selected clip or event to the left by a larger increment
Nudge Right.Nudges the selected clip or event to the right
Nudge Right Next Amount/Nudges the selected clip or event to the right by a larger increment
Increment Nudge ValueAlt + Ctrl=Increases the nudge increment
Decrement Nudge ValueAlt + Ctrl-Decreases the nudge increment
Tracks and VersionsNew Track GroupCtrlGCreates a new group with selected tracks
Suspend GroupsShift+CtrlGTemporarily disables all track groups
New TracksShift+CtrlNOpens a dialog to create new tracks
New Instrument TrackShift+CtrlICreates a new instrument track
Create BusShift+CtrlBCreates a new bus from selected tracks
Delete Selected TracksShift+CtrlBackspaceDeletes the selected tracks
ImportCtrlIOpens a dialog to import files into the session
Import SessionAltIImports data from another session
DuplicateAltDDuplicates the selected tracks or clips
Duplicate Without ContentShift+AltDDuplicates the selected tracks without their content
New Version On All TracksCtrl+Shift\Creates a new version for all tracks
New Version On Selected TracksCtrl\Creates a new version for selected tracks
Duplicate Version For All TracksCtrl+Alt+Shift\Duplicates the version for all tracks
Duplicate Version On Selected TracksCtrl+Alt\Duplicates the version for selected tracks
Find TrackAlt+CtrlFOpens a search interface to find tracks quickly
GridIncrease GridShift=Increases the grid resolution
Decrease GridShift-Decreases the grid resolution
Toggle Snap To GridShift\Toggles snapping to grid on/off
Toggle Relative Grid SnapCtrl+Shift\Toggles relative grid snapping
Align BarCtrl+Alt+ShiftIAligns the current selection or cursor to the nearest bar
Align GridAlt+CtrlIAligns the current selection or cursor to the nearest grid line
MIDIMIDI MergeNumeric Keypad 9Toggles MIDI merge mode on/off
MIDI Keyboard ModeAlt+CtrlMEnables MIDI input using the computer keyboard
Open Quantize BrowserCtrl+ShiftUOpens the Quantize settings browser
Quantize SelectionCtrlUQuantizes the selected MIDI notes to the nearest grid
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes up One SemitoneRaises the pitch of selected MIDI notes by one semitone
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes down One SemitoneLowers the pitch of selected MIDI notes by one semitone
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes up One OctaveShiftRaises the pitch of selected MIDI notes by one octave
Pitch Selected MIDI Notes down One OctaveShiftLowers the pitch of selected MIDI notes by one octave
Sessions and LUNANew SessionCtrlNOpens a dialog to create a new session
Open SessionCtrlOOpens an existing session
Close SessionCtrl+ShiftWCloses the current session
Open VersionShift+CtrlOOpens a version within the current session
Save BookmarkCtrlSSaves the current state of the session as a bookmark
Save New VersionShift+CtrlSSaves a new version within the session
Browse All RecentAlt+CtrlOOpens a list of recent sessions and versions
QuitCtrlQQuits LUNA software
Show SettingsCtrl,Opens the settings panel for LUNA
View and NavigationZoom InCtrl]Increases zoom level on the timeline horizontally
Zoom OutCtrl[Decreases zoom level on the timeline horizontally
Frame SelectionEFills the edit window with the selected clips; press again to revert
Return to ZeroReturnMoves the playhead to the start of the session
Go to EndEndMoves the playhead to the end of the session
Zoom In AudioAlt+Ctrl]Increases the horizontal zoom level on audio waveforms
Zoom Out AudioAlt+Ctrl[Decreases the horizontal zoom level on audio waveforms
Reset Audio ZoomHomeResets zoom on audio waveforms to default
Link Edit/Play SelectionsLLinks edit and play selections
Record Enable Follows SelectionRAutomatically record enables a track when selected
Selection Move UpPMoves the selection up to the next track
Selection Move Down;Moves the selection down to the previous track
Selection Extend UpShiftPExtends the current selection upward to include the track above
Selection Extend DownShift;Extends the current selection downward to include the track below
Selection Set StartSets the start of the selection during playback or stopped
Selection Set EndSets the end of the selection during playback
Mixing and TransportSolo Mode LatchingSAllows soloing multiple tracks with latching
Solo Mode ExclusiveESolo mode where only one track can be soloed at a time
Create BusShift+CtrlBCreates a bus for selected tracks
Toggle PlaybackSpacebarStarts or stops playback
Toggle RecordCtrlSpacebarStarts or stops recording
Loop PlaybackCtrlLToggles loop playback
MIDI MergeNumeric Keypad 9Toggles MIDI merge mode
All Notes OffNStops all MIDI notes and messages from playing
Accelerated Realtime MonitoringMToggles ARM for low latency monitoring
Console Tracking ModeTToggles Console Tracking mode for live inputs
Help and UtilitiesSearchSOpens a search dialog to find commands and features
LUNA DocumentationDOpens online documentation for LUNA
UAD & Apollo DocumentationUOpens documentation for UAD and Apollo hardware